Heart medical info

Understanding Your Child's Heart - New BHF CHD Publications

Working closely with paediatric cardiologists, the British Heart Foundation (BHF) has just produced the first six booklets of a new series, Understanding your child's heart, for the parents and families of babies and young children with congenital heart disease.

Each booklet:

  • discusses the way the normal heart works and explains congenital heart disease
  • explains a particular congenital heart condition, its diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment
  • gives information on coping and contacts for additional support.

Further booklets will become available throughout 2009 and early 2010. For more information on these booklets or the British Heart Foundation, please go to bhf.org.uk

The first six booklets:

To download or order your free copies of the booklets and to order your display rack (suggested donation £20), please go directly to the Publication section on the BHF website, email orderline@bhf.org.uk or phone the BHF Orderline on 0870 600 6566.
