Ivy Mackie:montrose@youngheart.info
Welcome to the Montrose and district branch of SACHD. Our branch has been active since 1987/88.
We are a small branch, with a core group of 5, who meet regularly, for friendly chats, suppers, and support as required.
Christmas Card Fayre at Montrose on Saturday 12th Oct. Ivy, Maisie, and Catriona. We had a good day, and I served the teas, while Maisie and Catriona did the stall.
We have become firm friends, laughed, cried and shared every level of experience connected with raising a child with a heart disorder. The strength of our friendship is such that although 2 of our core group, now live out with the area, 1 of them overseas, we all make every effort to meet up approximately every 6-8weeks. We have a former member living in Sydney , Australia who keeps in touch and meets up with us when she is home in Scotland. We also have several members and supporters who get involved at Christmas time, assisting with selling Christmas cards to their friends and at an annual charities card fayre that we help organise. We are just ordinary mums,trying to support families through their times of need. All families are welcome.
We aim to raise awareness locally of the work of SACHD, and have found being part of a support group invaluable, especially in the tough times.
Information sharing is one of the great advantages gained from involvement in SACHD, and while we cannot advise anyone medically, we can through our experience signpost people to those equipped to give the information required. Being part of the association has also built our confidence in being more pro active in our childrens care, by being better informed of latest developments, thus giving us courage to ask questions and the ability to not feel so intimidated when meeting with health professionals.
We attend national committee meetings and A.G.M's, and are kept abreast of new developments by cardiologist's and other professionals from the medical team who come to our National A.G.M's to share information.
Being part of the association means we have a telephone network of contacts, we can call for a chat and information if required. There is no pressure for new families to be involved beyond what they are comfortable with. Many have accessed phone support over the years. We do also provide an opportunity for one to one visitation, if required.
Over the past few years our fundraising has been limited to selling christmas cards and selling association goods at a local Christmas card fayre. Now that most of our children are adults, we focus on friendships supper nights which we believe are legendary!
Our commitment to the association, and to our own small group, has been to do what we can, when we can, and never to let each other down. Each of us can vouch for the empathy and care that we show to each other and to children and parents locally and further afield. We do our best to comfort, support and help find answers to the many difficult questions being a parent of a child with a heart disorder brings.
Two of our young adults have occasional involvement in Bravehearts. This group has been established within the association specifically for young adults who've grown up with a heart disorder. This group is now very much an active part of the association, which is very encouraging. Our three young adults, Stewart, Elliot and Natalie are all in employment.
Recently we have established links with a new family in Aberdeenshire, who have re-established a branch in their area. We feel we've made new friends, and are encouraged by their enthusiasm.
Us mums in Montrose continue to keep the branch going and hope that some new families will join us to take over the reigns, well we can live in hope!
Feel free to contact us, we'd love to hear from you.
Ivy, Aileen, Catriona, Karen, Lyn, Jenny and Carol.